The Dentist Freedom Blueprint Podcast


Owning a business sometimes feels like being an NFL linebacker.

Those concussions from beating your head against a brick wall start to add up.

In our case the brick walls often look like insurance companies or staff management.

The man known as America’s Chief Profit Officer, Davy Tyburski just joined me for a rapid fire discussion about limiting brain damage in your business.

Davy is the author of The PROFIT Book: 21 Unique Ways to Increase Sales, Improve Cash Flow, and Boost Your Bottom Line!

He has over 20 years of experience leading high-performance teams, in sales marketing, customer service, operations, and accounts receivable under his belt. Davy provides profit-generating systems to a very limited amount of select clients each year, and is one of the most in-demand international speakers and consultants.

Join in, follow the discussion, and get easy-to-implement profit-generating tips. We are drilling down to the facts – why so many people are not able to create the business they dreamt of owning.

A dream business does exist. I learned it the hard way, you don’t have to.

It’s all laid out for you here. You’ll learn what you need to know to increase your cash flow while freeing up your time and drastically reducing the amount of stress in your life.

Stop the concussions, lose the woozy feeling. Listen in now!

Listen To The Full Interview:


What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • How Davy came up with the 21 easy ways of increasing cash flow.
  • Why it’s so difficult to create profitable and sustainable businesses without driving ourselves crazy.
  • How the lack of systems is related to the amount of stress in our lives.
  • The importance of having the right systems in place.
  • The concept of re-work and how much loss there is on the downside.
  • How to find the right people for your business.
  • Tips on implementing metrics within your business.
  • The common bottlenecks of businesses.

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