The Dentist Freedom Blueprint Podcast


Escape the death spiral of trading hours for dollars and not creating net worth.

Do you know my long-time friend, mentor and C.P.A.?

We call him “The 30,000 ft. Elevation Guy”, among other things…

John is the expert for “transactioneering”, high-level business, real estate tax, and deal structures.

With 30+ years of experience in the business, he has seen every real estate transaction and taxation structure available to dentists and doctors.

Take a look at the big picture and uncover the elements that contribute to or contaminate your ability to grow wealth and achieve freedom.

Get wealth-building strategies you can start using today to increase capital growth and build freedom into your life and practice.

Listen To The Full Interview:


What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • John’s background and why people refer to him as the Thousand-Year-Old Man.
  • Why doctors and dentists don’t have much experience in business and wealth-building arena.
  • Why people refer to him as the Thousand-Year-Old Man.
  • Wealth-building strategies for dentists.
  • Big deals vs. small deals, advantages over time.
  • How you can turn your practice into a business rather than a job.
  • Beneficial tax structures for professional practice owners.

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